Friday, January 28, 2011

Funny Conversations

This conversations happened this week and they were pretty noteworthy.

Convo #1

Oldest: I drew your favorite player.
Me: No, that's your favorite player. Mine is black. (Tony Gwynn, gentle readers.)
Oldest: I thought so.
Me : You did?! Why?
Oldest: Because it is so sunny where you live.


Convo #2

3rd: ... and when I'm good, I will go to Heaven. *flap flap* [he waves his arms like wings] But you won't go.
Me: Why?
3rd: Because you belong to the wrong church.
Me: Oh , really?
3rd: Yeah. but everyone thinks they belong to the right church, but it's wrong. Wrong church, wrong, wrong, wrong.


So one kid thinks the sun makes people black (do you explain evolution to an 11 year old?) and the other proselytized me.... just great! Kids are so funny.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Photos: Hanau or "H-Town"

Cool Sunset.
A Walloonish Church... aka not Flemmish.

The Town Hall with the Grimm Brothers.
Cool wooden chair.
Close up of Grimm Brothers.
The Heraeus, an interesting building.
I liked this building...
nice graffiti

Barbeque, anyone?
Window moldings
a nice balcony

Fake stone detail on the corner? Not unlike St. Markus in my town...
The Main River.
"Wall Art" Series
Hansel & Gretel Wall Art.
Built in 1890.
Vegetation gone wild.
Scottish Soltaire!

Peacock building.
Hole Full of Love. Not even going to speculate.
Cool Sculpture.
staircase outside the library floor.
Art Exhibit.

Building with Art Exhibit in it.
Library Main Entrance.


"Mayday 2008. April 30th, 4 o'clock. Hanau Train Station." That must have been a rager.

"Black Night Disco Party."

Wall Art.

Princess & the Frog Wall Art.

Little Red Riding Hood Wall Art or Rotkappchen.
"Punk's Not Dead." Yeah, sure.

Cool graffiti

I guess I find graffiti cool.
built in 1485. Close up of the plaque in the picture below, top right.

Cool window thing?

Church where the Grimm Brother's Great Grandpa was a preacher. On the green is the history of the church...
The Goldsmith's House. Typical Old German Style outside decoration.

More unruly vegetation